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Your gifts will bring real hope to children in need around the world.

Click on the gift images below for prices and more information.

*NOTE TO CRF CHILD SPONSORS: If you sponsor a child through CRF, the $10 “Give a Child a Christmas Gift” donations you give will go directly to your child (with extra donations being used for unsponsored children). The rest of the gifts in this catalog cannot be designated directly to your sponsored child. This Gift Catalog is a separate effort based on the needs of our programs worldwide.
Dairy cows provide plenty of protein and calcium for growing children, and surplus milk can be sold for extra family income. A cow is an incredible...
Fresh chicken eggs provide a huge nutrient boost to a family’s diet. And since chickens are easy to breed, your gift will multiply to be shared...
Many of our church plants are so far off the beaten path that it is not yet possible to have a trained minister reach the local church every week....
Share the word of God! CRF partners with missionaries around the world to share the Good News! Your gift of $5 will give a Bible to someone who is...
Pigs provide a pathway to financial independence for families in need. While piglets may be inexpensive, full grown pigs can be sold for a premium...
Goat’s milk provides great protein for growing children. And the family can sell surplus dairy products at the market to earn money for other...
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death for African children. But there is a very simple solution–a mosquito net! Every $10 you give will...
CRF works with health clinics to provide help and hope to those with no other option for care. Your gift to our medical fund will be used where it...
High school and university costs are much higher than elementary school costs in many of our program countries. Because of this, children in our...
After getting an education, the next step in breaking the cycle of poverty is finding a job. You can help with that too! Our vocational training...
Your gifts provide water, shelter, education and the GOSPEL to children in need.